Monday, September 1, 2014

Buying Used and Buying In Bulk and My cool new/used Converse

Hey people,

I'm currently working on a video series on how to save some serious money but I decided to use some of the tips and images for this post on buying green. It occurred to me that this was a great post for Going Green when I added up how much I was saving in gas. I started buying in bulk to save money but it is definitely better for the environment if you have to take less trips to the store.

Used Converse Score! Just used some dye free dish washing soap and warm water to clean the rubber parts and a re-usable lint roller on the cloth parts.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Your Taxes May Be Paying to Waste Electricity

I have noticed around my city many of the street lights on in the middle of the day. These are city lights. I have contacted them before but they keep burning. Please, if you notice this type of thing contact your city. Not only is it a waste but we pay for that stuff.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Saving an Old Game System

I collect old game systems. My favorites are the Atari 2600 and the Nintendo Entertainment System. My Atari 2600 quit working one day recently. I live in a very dust place so I figured that might be the culprit. I opened it up and the board inside was pretty dirty and covered in flux. I used a vacuum tube attachment and suck out the larger dust pieces. Next I just took some cotton swabs, used some 91% alcohol and cleaned off the board. It looked like all of the soldering was still o.k. so I hooked it back up and sure enough that simple cleaning did the trick.

Little tip for the 2600: The video cable isn't hard wired to the board. Before chucking it just open it up and at least make sure that the av cable hasn't come unplugged.

Image Source: Wikicommons

Remember save and re-use

Recycling Electronics

This is a great video (I do not own it) on salvaging electronics. Remember to check out this guy's channel.

Remember saving and re-using is greener than recycling.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Preserving Before Recycling: Tools

People need to learn how to take care of everything, but right now I'm talking about tools. With proper use, maintenance, and storage a good tool can last a lifetime. Keeping something from breaking down in the first place does even more than recycling. These are my tips for today:

1. Do not leave your tools out in the weather.
2. Oil the joints and gears with some 3 in 1 oil. That goes for needle nose pliers to wrenches.

3. If a tool is rusted over it could still be saved. I have saved many tools bound for the dump with some 91% rubbing alcohol, steel wool, cotton swabs, and rags. Rub the rust off with the alcohol while being careful not to get any in the joints. After removing the rust wipe the alcohol off completely and make SURE to rub 3 in 1 oil on after.

Take care of those tools. Your grandchildren will appreciate it.

Weather Stripping Your Home With Cheap Weather Stripping

For around five dollars you can purchase small packages of weather stripping for your home. Weather stripping is a kind of tape with foam on one side. If you can feel a draft with your windows shut or experience wet window sills during rain, you are definitely losing money on electricity.

I bought myself some cheap weather stripping tape at Home Depot and put it around my windows anywhere I could feel air flowing. It has made it substantially easier to cool the rooms in my condo.

Be careful applying this stuff. It is really stick and messy. It has all of the same problems as duct tape when trying to apply it. My tip is to remove the paper backing along the weather stripping only as you go.

Can't wait to see if there is an improvement on my heating bill this winter.

Thanks and Namaste!

Tip for saving water when watering your plants

I live in a water restricted area and I have a small tree and some house plants. While trees are nice to look at and lower temperature for free with their shade, they also eat carbon dioxide. Plants need water to live like all living things so if I boil any pasta or anything else without weird chemical additives I catch the strained water in another pot, let it cool, then water my plants with it.

First Post

My hope in writing this blog is to share and trade information about saving money by saving the environment. I am looking to save electricity, water, and anything else I can save. Feel free to comment with your tips and improvements on my tips.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Save Money.